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Inside Every Grown Woman

There’s a little girl waiting to be hugged, loved unconditionally and to literally take flight. It’s our job to set her FREE!

You remember her, don’t you. She’s the one who knew she could do anything…she was CAPABLE. She never worried for more than a minute and she rarely cared how she looked, what people thought of her or whether she had enough money for candy. She just knew everything would work out.

But then, as time went by, she began to believe the folks who told her she couldn’t succeed. She wasn’t smart enough…she wasn’t good enough. Some even told her she looked funny. Slowly, she forgot that she was a Super Shero.

Before long, all those negative things became her habits. She became everything they said she was, or wasn’t. She did look funny, after all. She worried about all kinds of things, she was terrified to take any chances. She became an adult and forget what it was like to fly. I’ll bet you know her by name.

She’s still the same girl that dreamed big. She just has more layers, less freckles, less courage and confidence. Isn’t it time you let her out to play?


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